Sunday, June 15, 2014

Are you interested in adopting?

As part of our journey through growing our family by adoption, we feel called to share this experience with others.  We know the joy and struggles that are a real part of this process, and we hope that our testimony can help to inspire others to take a leap of faith and explore what adoption could mean for their family.

Maybe this is a new idea for you or maybe it is a calling that you have had on your life since you were young, we would recommend that your first step be to seek out information and partner with an excellent adoption agency.  Most agencies provide general informational meetings that you can attend with no strings attached.

Two agencies that we would highly recommend and invite you to contact are:

God's Children Adoption Agency
Caseworker:  Anita Ruthenbeck (Minneapolis Area)
phone:  877-431-5877
** Anita is an amazing woman with a passion for connecting children into forever families.  Not only does she do it for a "living" but it is a part of her life as an adoptive mom.  God's Children is licensed in North Dakota and Minnesota.  Even though Missouri isn't "technically" a part of Anita's jurisdiction, she continues to encourage us in our adoption and prays for our family.  Anita is a blessing!

Christian Adoption Consultants
Caseworkers:  Dawn & Jason Wright

**As we prayed and churned over the decision of whether to begin this adoption process, I had a number of conversations with Dawn.  She has been incredibly patient, reassuring and comforting. We are excited to be partnering with her and Jason in this new adventure.  Dawn & Jason not only have a passion to place children into forever families, but they live it daily with their 9 adopted children!  To read more, visit their blog:  Dawn & Jason's Blog

These are just two avenues to pursue if you are interested in growing your family through adoption.  Above all, we encourage you to surround every step you take with prayer.  We also invite you to contact us with your questions and concerns.  We would love the opportunity to pray with you, as well as share in the journey as you search for God's will.

We also know that not everyone is called to adopt.  That is okay!  God gifted us with different skills, talents and abilities for a reason.  If you have a heart for the orphaned and don't feel the call to adopt, please pray for our family and those families who are adopting.  Pray that doors be opened, funding provided, and transitions go smoothly.  Pray for patience and wisdom.  Pray for God's will to be done in the lives of children and the families who seek to adopt them.  We also invite you to consider donating of your time, talents and financial resources to help families who are seeking to adopt.

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